UGM Plants Gamagora Rice in Klaten, Central Java

The Gamagora Rice Cultivation Team from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) planted rice seedlings in Karangwungu Village, Klaten Regency, Central Java Province, on Thursday (Jul.

Gama Umami Grass Innovator Wins Award

The innovator of Gama Umami grass from the UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM), Professor Nafiatul Umami, along with Professor Bambang Suhartanto and Dr. Teguh Wahyono, has b...

UGM Students Research How Indigenous Community in Sukabumi Leverages Tech to Preserve Culture

A group of UGM students from the Student Creativity Program in Social Sciences and Humanities Research (PKM-RSH) conducted a study in Ciptagelar, Sukabumi, West Java, from June 23 to 30.  ...

UGM Students Research Potential of Green Algae to Prevent Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world, following lung and breast cancer.

Daughter of Farm Worker From West Sumatra to Study for Free at UGM

The desire to change her fate and uplift her family’s status motivated Asysyfa Maisarah (18) to apply to Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
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